Grant-Enabled Access
Terms of use
Use of our software until 31st of August 2021 for any 2 subject areas at no cost
As former teachers, we have real empathy for all levels working within the current educational climate. More importantly, we are extremely worried about the long-term impact COVID will have on our students.
What has Pupil Progress been doing to support our users?
We have been working hard to secure government funding to create a system that delivers improved support for teachers and schools as they work through the 2021 Tracker Assessed Grade process. In designing the new system, we also recognise the need for post-COVID support for the year groups coming through who also face adversity due to the pandemic.
We have recently secured an Innovate UK government grant that has supported the development of several explicitly designed tools to improve the use, output and support for Pupils, Teachers, School Leaders and Parents. This funding has also supported the growth of our team and server capacity, providing an opportunity to offer the use of our system, at no cost, for 2 subject areas per school to support you during this challenging time.
What does this mean for me?
You will be able to register for our ‘Innovate UK, Grant-Enabled Access’ subscription at no cost to you or the school.
As a result, you will be able to:
- Access up to 2 subject areas of your choice.
- Access the full functionality of the software.
There is no application process or obligation to subscribe when the Grant-Enabled Access ends (31st August, 2021).
What qualifies a sufficient ‘level of use’
Simply that the tracking system is being used and where all, or a combination of the below, will result in a subjective decision by a member of the team.
- Classes have been uploaded (by you or by us, for you)
- Assessment data has been added to the system.
- Login is within the last 30 days from when we audit the use
Why do we have this condition?
We are aware that more than one department within the same school may wish to access this level of support. Therefore, someone needing this support may be blocked by a department who has already registered for the subscription and is not utilising the potential of the support on offer.
We simply wish for this to be used; we have worked very hard to not only secure the grant but to support those using the system. As such, we hope that those registering will respect this effort and if unable to utilise it, that it would be fair to provide a fellow teacher who needs this support the opportunity to gain access to Pupil Progress.
Optional Survey
A key element of our software design and delivery is to get feedback from teachers and schools using Pupil Progress. We would be very grateful if you could complete a very short 4 minute survey at the very beginning and at the end of this special COVID access offer.
For complete transparency, this will support and inform future developments and support our future communication with schools.
How do I access this?
Simply click on the button below to be register for the priority list. This means that you will be informed 48 hours in advance of the launch
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no commitment to this whatsoever. If you register and decide that this opportunity will be better suited for someone else in your school then simply email us (, or use our chatbot functionality to request that you cancel the subscription. You will receive an email confirmation once actioned.
We are fully compliant with all GDPR regulations, specifically for the education sector. Below are the links to our privacy policy, terms of service and a direct link to download our GDPR compliance summary
It is simply first-come-first-served. If you wish to access this offer but find that both allocated subscriptions have been used, then we advise contacting those teachers to check that they are in fact planning on using the system to its fullest potential. They can then opt-out for you to register for the available space.
Please remember that you will also be able to access our regular free trial subscription regardless and also have the option to pay for the subscription on completion of the trial if it is of use to you.
*Note - we have the option for you to purchase the system for 6 months only
- After this 6 month period the minimum subscription period is 12 months
Yes, visit the subscription page on Pupil Progress to convert your free trial to Grant-Enabled Access. If you are intending to continue with us as a subscriber, may we suggest you do this and utilise the GEA with two more subject areas.
Yes, visit the subscription page on Pupil Progress to activate your Grant-Enabled Access subscription. Please remember, the Grant-Enabled Access allows 2 subject areas so please communicate with other teachers to see if they also wish to take advantage of the offer
Absolutely, the system allows 2 subject areas to be on the Innovate UK Subscription in addition to any paid subscriptions or previous subscribers to Pupil Progress.
No, you cannot pause, replace or extend current or expired subscriptions with this Grant-Enable Access. Only new subject areas that have not had a paid subscription before can sign-up to the Grant-Enabled Access. The grant has not only enabled this offer it also funded substantial developments that have enhanced the use and benefit of the system to all paying customers.
If you have any questions, simply email, someone within the team will get back to you within 24-48 hours upon receipt.